Harlem Gospel Choir
Friday, January 27, 2012
Miller Auditorium
The most famous gospel choir in America today, the Harlem Gospel Choir, held a concert at Miller Auditorium. Kalamazoo’s own NAEA Gospelfest Choir opened the performance.

Northern Illinois University Chamber Choir
Sunday, March 11, 2012
First Presbyterian Church
The DeKalb, Illinois-based choir performed a program of choral music at the First Presbyterian Church. The first half of the performance focused on the musical heritage of Israel – a country formed by immigrants from Eastern and Western countries, presenting a unique environment for musical creation. The second half of the concert featured choral works […]

Rhonda Larson & Ventus
Friday, September 14, 2012
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Presented in collaboration with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s 175th anniversary weekend, flutist Rhonda Larson performed with her band Ventus. The band featured Carolyn Koebel (percussion), Eliot Wadopian (bass), Chris Rosser (keyboards), and Elden Kelly (guitar, ethnic strings).

MFSM Annual Dinner and Concert
Saturday, October 13, 2012
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Our organization’s annual dinner was held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. A sampler concert of music representing diverse faiths featured the music of the Sikh Youth Musicians, the Muslim Youth Choir, Elizabeth Start, Taimoor Khan, and Tina Egan. Dinner was provided by Saffron, Shawarma House and Zooroona.

Abraham Jam Book Signing
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Kazoo Books
As part of Abraham Jam weekend, a book signing for White Flour was held at Kazoo Books. The children’s book by David LaMotte (pictured) tells the true story of a creative and whimsical response to a 2007 Klan march in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Abraham Jam
Saturday, November 3, 2012
St. Thomas More
Three popular singer-songwriters from the three Abrahamic Faiths – Islam, Judaism and Christianity – all shared the stage together. The group comprised of Dan Nichols, David LaMotte and Dawud Wharnsby traded songs rather than sets, leaving space for spontaneous collaboration, and embodying mutual respect and support. This presentation was supported by the Arts Midwest Touring […]

Abraham Jam: Free Public Talk
Sunday, November 4, 2012
First Presbyterian Church
A free public talk was held at First Presbyterian Church with David LaMotte and Dawud Wharnsby as part of the Abraham Jam Weekend.

Joel Mabus
Saturday, November 24, 2012
First Baptist Church
Joel presented selections from his CD A Parlour Guitar Christmas – a new collection of guitar instrumentals of hymns, carols and holiday songs of bygone times – as well as material from his earlier releases.

Messiah Sing
Sunday, November 25, 2012
First Congregational Church
A community tradition since 1995, the annual Messiah Sing was held in the historic First Congregational United Church of Christ in downtown Kalamazoo.